Set in 60’s Singapore, in the colorful chaotic streets of Chinatown, Fighting Spiders is a coming-of-age story of three boys whose friendship is tested when they go to Malaysia on a quest to find and return with the King Spider, so as to challenge the Panther Spider of their nemesis, and bully, Ah Huat. Fighting Spiders follows the adventure of the boys in the world of flying kites, fighting fishes, fighting spiders, first loves, teenage lusts, and rebellion.
I like this show because when I'm watching it, I feel like a child again. The story is not that heavy drama but it has drama. Oh well, who doesn't love DRAMA! I love DRAMA! Drama Queen?!Hahaha. Seriously,Fighting Spiders is a good show and I love the the settings and the 60s vibe. The three boys are also lovable. Hahaha.
Hey! I'm not being pedophile here but I like Soon Lee the most. Hahahah. The boy in the middle is Soon Lee. I like his role in this show. He's the most aggressive and the toughest of them but he's actually a sweet boy, sweet to his two best friends but he's a chicken in front of his girl.
Edwin Goh as Soon Lee
But I admit, I like him. Hahaha. I also like Charlie who's the small fat boy. Hahah. He's the clown of the group. And Peter, the English boy. I'll just wait for him to grow older. Hahaha.
But of course I miss many shows back in the Philippines. Wowowee, May Bukas Pa, Tayong Dalawa, Rachel Zoey Project, TMZ and Chelsea Lately.
kaya naman pala eh!
i think that edwin goh is okay. and btw i saw him at compass point today. i am in best.
i think that edwin goh is okay. and btw i saw him at compass point today. i am in best.
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