April 16, 2010

Vogue's Six Kinds of Womanhood

Vogue authorizes these kinds of womanhood: Bohemians, Flappers, Gibson Girls, Heiresses, Patriots, and Screen Sirens.
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So which womanhood you belong to?Oh, if you're a woman or you want to be a woman. Hahaha. As for me, I would love to be in the group of Heiresses!Ay! Hahahaahah.

They kept "Bohemians," "Flappers," "Gibson Girls," "Heiresses," "Patriots," and "Screen Sirens." But not "Suffragists." I'm not sure what message they're trying to send, but "Suffragists" is the only one of these titles that refers to a group of women defined by their strength as a social and political force.

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